

All the software below is free to download! But please consider making a small donation to the 'Tip Jar'

Don't know the difference between Class I and Class II routers? See THIS

Key: Class I routers - Class I (Conexant) routers Class II routers - Class II (AR7RD/AR7WRD) routers Windows - Windows compatible Linux - Linux compatible


Router Diagnostic Tool Class I routers Class II routers Windows

A simple tool which will create a report based on the router and network settings. This can be useful for novices and for people in a hurry, who want to provide information on the forum. Previous version downloads: v1.2.4 = 683, v1.3.2 = 7

When running the tool, make sure no other modem/router is connected (to the PC and/or phone-line) apart from the one you want to test.

Download v1.3.1

Version 1.3.1

Will require permission from your firewall to access the Internet (it will simply ping Google to test the Internet connection). You must enter your router's password so that the tool can access the router's log and you may need to enter your router's IP address also. There is no reason to be concerned about the security of your password.
This version of the diagnostic tool has a few tweaks to work more effectively with the timestamp that is applied to the log in the RouterTech.Org firmware(s). It also now has a new graphical interface and improved error checking.

Download v1.3.3

Version 1.3.3 (September 2007)

Includes the ability to identify the ISP hardware (now using a file making it easier to update) for Class II routers and it will retain the router class user selection.

Router Backup Utility Class I routers Windows

  • Backup and restore your router's settings
  • Fix the Diagnostic test so the Ping passes
  • Measure how much memory your router has
  • Change server access permissions
  • Add / Edit or Remove Virtual Servers
  • And much more...

This utility was originally created to help backup/restore the settings on the Origo ASR-8400 router. Because the whole ASR-8xxx range uses the same software, it should also work on the ASR-8000 and ASR-8100. It may even work with the other Origo/Conexant routers (see Class I routers HERE).

Development started on this utility in April 2004 - there will be no further development on it, since Class I routers are gradually being replace with Class II routers.

Download v1.1.5

Main addition is the SNR target setting which may improve the performance of the router on a poor line.


One handy feature is that it can be used to fix the diagnostic test problem where the router tries to ping a Conexant URL. The utility allows you to change the URL easily.

Regarding your router password: don't be concerned that you have to enter your router password to use the utility. The password is required to gain access to the router but the program does not keep a record of it.

Visit www.routertech.org and search the forums there for more information on the router and the utility.

If you change your firmware, and then try to restore a configuration file (created by a different firmware version), it may not work. There may also be problems when changing between firmware brands Origo/SafeCom/Billion etc.

Router Upgrade Checker Class II routers Windows

This utility has been created to help router owners find out if their routers can be upgraded to the RouterTech firmwares (and if so, which firmware file to pick). Please read the instructions included in the zip file before using it. Previous version downloads: v1.0.8 = 224, v1.1.0 = 390, v1.1.1 = 1163, v1.1.3 = 48, v1.1.4 = 3208, v1.1.5 = 470, v1.1.6 = 240, v1.1.7 = 683, v1.1.8 = 1591, v1.2.0 = 3256, v1.2.1 = 1119, v1.2.4 = 581, v1.2.5 = 222, v1.2.6 = 906, v1.2.7 = 1634, v1.2.8 = 2182, v1.2.9 = 2611, v1.3.0 = 998, v1.3.1 = 1385, v1.3.2 = 709, v1.3.3 = 6281, v1.3.4 = 6877, v1.3.5 = 4599, v1.3.7 = 3100, v1.3.8 = 3552, v1.3.9 = 5946, v1.4.0 = 7824

v1.4.1 (2.97 firmware), 226KB, MD5 Checksum = da20521a8d44b1a9c333324459f734b4
v1.4.1 (2.96 firmware), 226KB, MD5 Checksum = fe5641e22c73875b16433a7d635dfc42
v1.4.1 (2.95 firmware), 226KB, MD5 Checksum = b4fec17aa914135a3c51b4d18b2fe5ac

Anti-virus warnings etc
Due to the nature of the RUC (it needs to be able to access the router, act as a server etc), you may occasionally see false positives in your anti-virus/anti-spyware/anti-malware/security software. But to be on the safe side (to be sure you have downloaded the correct file), you can confirm the file size and MD5 checksum are correct (see above). The RUC is now regularly submitted to the AVG Whitelisting Service, so hopefully the number of false positives should be minimal.

Current version as of 10th January 2011 - update for v2.95 firmware.

Current version as of 8th May 2011 - includes v2.96 firmware list.

Current version as of 25th June 2012 - includes v2.97 firmware list.

Config Fixer Class II routers Windows

This utility can be used to 'fix' router config files. Perhaps you want to keep your settings but at the same time take advantage of the latest RouterTech fixes when you upgrade to a RouterTech firmware? Or perhaps you just want to apply the RouterTech fixes without upgrading the firmware completely? Now you can! Please read the instructions that come with the utility BEFORE you run it

Download v2.0.0

This version has the fixes stored in files - the idea being that in future, when new fixes are available (often coinciding with new firmware releases), only new fix files need to be released. This means that users can apply new fixes without having to download a new version of the Fixer


ADSL Speed Calculator Windows Linux

To give people a rough idea of the (maximum) ADSL speed achievable on their phone lines, I have created a quick speed calculator. Only the DS Margin is used as an indicator and this can vary quite a bit, so the speed the calculator returns is only going to be a best case scenario. In practice I have found that plugging in the average DS Margin over a week or so produced fairly accurate results.

Download here

Windows version

Download here

Linux version


ADSL Stats Monitor Class I routers Windows

A simple utility to monitor upstream and downstream SNR margins and attenuations
This utility can help people keep an eye on their ADSL line stats to see if there are any patterns in line drops etc.

Download v1.0.3

Final version


Router Pinger Class I routers Class II routers Windows

This tool will try to ping the router at regular intervals to see if the router drops the connection when under heavy load etc.

Download here

Enter the router's IP address, a suitable interval (in seconds), select the relevant network adaptor and click on 'Start'. This should help monitor the router's status and traffic levels. The 'fix location' can point to something like the location of a batch file


RouterTech Emoticon Utility Windows Linux

To be used on the RouterTech.Org forum - makes it easier to choose from the emoticons available.
See the forum for more details.

Download here

Windows version

Download here

Linux version

Set 2 Pack
June 06 Pack

The are update packs (containing additional emoticons) that can be used by either utility.


RouterTech RSS Ticker Windows

An RSS ticker tool that will allow you to keep up-to-date on all the latest developments on the RouterTech.Org website

Download here

This tool is for Windows users only - you may need additional components installed (such as the Inet control, msinet.ocx)


Router Log Scanner Class I routers Windows

Software co-developed with John Latham to help monitor and save the router's log file(s).

Download here



Router Rebooter Class I routers Class II routers Windows

This little utility can be used to reboot a (compatible) router if and when the router looses it's Internet connection. The utility will periodically try to ping the predefined address (Google by default) and if it fails a certain number of times (which can be user-defined) then it will attempt a manual router reboot. The utility can be minimised to the system tray and be left running in the background on the PC. Previous version downloads: v1.2.0 = 482, v1.4.0 = 150

Download v1.4.1

Will require permission from your firewall to access the Internet (it will simply ping Google to test the Internet connection). You must enter your router's password so that the tool can reboot the router and you may need to enter your router's IP address also. There is no reason to be concerned about the security of your password.
This version works with Class II routers and can operate in a simplified 'shrunken' mode.

Telnet Scripter Class II routers Windows

A telnet scripting utility to automate telnet sessions. This utility can make it much easier to perform multiple commands on a regular basis etc. Previous version downloads: v1.0.6 = 423, v1.0.8 = 9

Download v1.0.7

Supports full pathnames for input and output files.

Download v1.0.9

Includes 'hidden' switch and will now continue moving through the script even if there is no WAIT after a SEND command.

Download v1.1.0

Does not require the Winsock.OCX dependency file.

Router WAN IP Class I routers Windows

Sometimes you might want to find out what your external public WAN IP (the one that people on the Internet see) is. Perhaps you want to use a service, that provides more a friendly hostname like myhost.com, which needs to know your WAN IP.

Download here

IP Finder: Just a simple program that retrieves and displays your WAN IP

Download V2
Download V2.0.1
Download V2.0.2

Emailer: This version can automatically send the WAN IP via email.
Version 2.0.1 has more options, including auto-sending, closing on send and IP comparison so that it can send the IP only when it changes.
Version 2.0.2 has a timer to check the IP at regular intervals (minutes).

Download here

Service sender: This will automatically update the service 2mydns.com. To work you must create an account with them first. This may or may not work with similar services.


Internet Connection Toggler Windows

This program can be used to toggle the Internet connection for a PC. For example if you wish to switch Internet access off during a particular time of day, then this program can be run once to disable all Internet communication, and then run again later to re-connect.

Download here

Version 1: Very simple program. Will require permission from your firewall to access the Internet (it will simply ping Google in order to determine if an Internet connection is currently available).


DLF File Manager Class I routers Windows

This program can be used to view, extract and create DLF files. It can also be used to create a batch install (via FTP) for the extracted files. It was based on thechief's (on the RouterTech forum) research and work on the DLF file structure.

The DLF file format contains all the files of a particular router firmware in a single file. It is used by router's web interface to upgrade the router. This particular DLF format has a limit of just 15 characters for directory names and 30 characters for filenames, so you need to ensure that your directories are not too deeply nested and that the filenames are not too long.

Download here

Version 1.0.5: This version has better file padding.


LAC Manager Windows

This software allows the user to view and remove all the 'Local Area Connections' (LACs) stored in the Registry. This can be useful as the number of LACs stored often increases when one tries to install network connections repeatedly.

Please be aware that removing one or more LACs may cause your system to become unreliable, therefore I advise you to use the backup function included in the program. However, the author does not take any responsibility for any problems that may result by LAC removal - use the program wisely and with caution.

Download here

Version 1.0.1: This version has the option to export the LAC table to the clipboard.


Network Adaptor Lister Windows

This software will list all the available Network adaptors installed on the PC on which it is run. This can be useful when troubleshooting.

Download here

Has the ability to copy the table to the clipboard to be posted on the forum.


Router Setup Software - Class II Class II routers Windows

This software is designed to be run by new owners who wish to get their routers connected to the Internet with the minimum of hassle. Ideally it should be used with RouterTech firmwares - it cannot be guaranteed to work with other firmwares. If you have already set up your router and are just feeling curious, you may get better results if you reset your router before trying the software

A quick user guide is also available for this software - see the guide section


Router Setup Software - Class I Class I routers Windows

Setup software for Class I routers - allowing new owners to get online in rapid time.

There are two variations: the "Easy Setup and Config", and the "Quick Setup and Login"
The Config versions attempt to set the ISP details from within the program, the Quick versions login to the router for the ISP details to be set from within the router. As long as other browser windows are closed, the Config variety should work - if not then the Quick version is more reliable.
If you are unsure which to choose from the Full and Lite versions, try the Lite version.

Guide are available in the 'guides' section

Easy setup
Quick setup

Full versions are for XP

Easy setup
Quick setup

Lite versions are for older OSs (Win9x)


Router Stats Keeper Class II routers Windows

This simple utility monitors whether a certain IP address is pingable (e.g. this should be an IP of some website like www.google.com or similar) and also records the router's Internet connection stats (upstream/downstream speeds, SNR etc) at regular intervals. If the IP address does not respond to pings (logged as DOWN) then the utility will keep trying to ping the IP address until it responds (logged as UP). Two outputs are produced: 1) a CSV file with the full stats, 2) a text file with more condensed stats.

Download Here

Current version as of 21st May 2007.


Router Stats Logger Class II routers Windows

This utility is an extension to the Router Stats Keeper utility and it is able to do everything the Router Stats Keeper can do and more. Extra features include extended ping test, trace route and signal strength vs frequency graph.

More information Previous version downloads: v1.0.5 = 15, v1.0.7 = 13, v1.0.13 = 17, v1.0.15 = 317, v1.0.16 = 171, v1.0.17 = 441, v1.0.18 = 197, v1.0.21 = 184, v1.0.23 = 116, v1.0.24 = 190, v1.0.25 = 340, v1.0.26 = 539

Download v1.0.27

Release date: 5th October 2008. Winsock.ocx is no longer required. System log fetch and clear, visual tweaks.

Download v1.0.28

Release date: 28th October 2008. Ability to change where to start using the downstream bit allocation data.

Download v1.0.29

Release date: 26th September 2009. Option to name stats files based on the date and time.

Wireless Environment Builder Class II routers Windows

The main purpose of the Wireless Environment Builder (as the name suggests) is to rebuild the wireless environment of Class II routers. This may be useful if this has become corrupted and the wireless part of your Class II router has stopped working. Please see the readme for more information. For general router recovery it would be better to have a backup of the original environment (which can be obtained with the Router Upgrade Checker).

For routers using the TNETW1350A wifi chip only

Download v1.0.3

Released 18 October 2007

Download v1.0.4

Released 13 June 2008 - includes updated TNETW ID search

MTD Calculator Class II routers Windows

This simple tool will help rebuild a trashed router environment by calculating the correct partition sizes.

Download v1.0.0

Choose a firmware file, a Flash ROM memory size, a bootloader type, click on the calculate button and the MTD values will be produced. You can even drag and drop a firmware file on to the MTD Calculator to select it! See the readme for full instructions.

Download v1.0.1

Includes optional MTD5 for PSPBoot routers. See the readme for full instructions.


Router Repair Tool Class II routers Windows

This tool can be used to:

* Repair/restore your router's environment.
* Un-brick your router.
* Upgrade your router's firmware.
* Backup your router's environment and config.

Main info page

Download v1.0.5

Please note that since this the first public release of this software, there may be bugs etc that have not been discovered yet and there are no guarantees that all features will work on all systems/routers.

Download v1.0.7

Includes many small changes/improvements and the ability to execute scripts at the bootloader.

Download v1.0.8

This version is able to run PCTool scripts which are in Unix file format.

Most of the above programs will require the VB Runtime Files installed on your system.

In addition, they use the following components

Router Diagnostic:
OLE Automation - STDOLE2.TLB
Microsoft Internet Controls - shdocvw.oca and shdocvw.dll
Microsoft HTML Object Library - MSHTML.TLB

Class I Router Backup Utility:
Microsoft Internet Controls - shdocvw.oca and shdocvw.dll
Microsoft Windows Common Controls 6.0 (MSCOMCTL.OCX)
Winsock control (MSWINSCK.OCX)

Router Rebooter:
OLE Automation - STDOLE2.TLB
Microsoft Internet Controls - shdocvw.oca and shdocvw.dll

If any of these components are not installed on your PC then the respective programs will fail to run correctly, so they will need to be downloaded and installed on your PC.


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